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Accommodation Strakonice - pensions, hotels, business events

Stay in Strakonice, it's not just accommodation in comfortable guest houses or hotels in a quiet South Bohemian town, but also many opportunities for visiting numerous historical monuments (Strakonice castle - the Museum + Šmidinger Town Library, Castle Gallery), just take a walk along the Great Square, where you can admire a number of classical buildings with richly decorated facades. Accommodation in the middle of the South Bohemian countryside in the town at the confluence of the rivers Otava and Volyňka is waiting for all, who are attracted by a cycling holiday in Strakonice, or just a nice relaxing stay in South Bohemia.   continuing...

České Budějovice Český Krumlov Hluboká nad Vltavou Lipno pronájem chaty a chalupy Strakonice
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