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Hluboká nad Vltavou
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Accommodation in Jindřichův Hradec and surroundings - hotels and pensions

One of the most beautiful towns of South Bohemia, Jindřichův Hradec, is located at the pond Vajgar exactly on the fifteenth meridian. Accommodation in Jindřichův Hradec attracts its visitors especially by the romantic atmosphere (chateau Jindřichův Hradec, mysterious streets and sitting in cosy restaurants and historic architecture). The town and its surroundings offer rich cultural, social and sporting activities (galleries, opera performances held in the building of the castle, Krýza crib, a sports hall, swimming pool, Jindřichův Hradec narrow-gauge railways, miles of marked cycling routes in the vicinity).   continuing...

České Budějovice Český Krumlov Hluboká nad Vltavou Lipno pronájem chaty a chalupy Jindřichův Hradec
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