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Hotel Racek
Hluboká nad Vltavou
Horná Planá
Hotel Lužnice

Accommodation at the Orlík lake - hotels, pensions, apartments

The Orlík lake is due to its position one of the most visited recreation areas in the Czech Republic. Currently it lies in the South and Central Bohemian Regions and in summer offers a range of leisure activities and active leisure - fishing at Orlik, swimming, yachting, mushroom picking, cycling (easy cycling trails suitable for childrenas well). Accommodation at Orlík is requested both by families and sportsmen, tourists and fans of history (the opportunity to visit the castle Orlík and castle Zvíkov) - all who wish to relax in the beautiful countryside and are attracted by stays at the water.   continuing...

České Budějovice Český Krumlov Hluboká nad Vltavou Lipno pronájem chaty a chalupy Orlická přehrada
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