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Hotels, pensions and apartments in Pardubice region, holiday East Bohemia

Pardubice region belongs to the tourist region of East Bohemia. It consists of several tourist areas, which surprise their guests by its diversity and many contrasts. You will find here a fertile landscape of the Elbe lowlands, which gradually rises up to the massifs of Eagle mountains and Králický Sněžník. Accommodation in Pardubice region can also offer you nice holiday in Zábřežská highlands or in the Czech-Moravian border, where you find excellent conditions for active rest in the Pardubice region. The center of the region is the town of Pardubice with its monuments and a rich social and cultural life. Hotels and guesthouses in this region are suitable for corporate events in the Pardubice region, they disposes of the necessary facilities and quality services. For its diversity and wide range of activities everybody comes to its own here. Accommodation Pardubice region

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