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Accommodation in Carlsbad - hotels, pensions West Bohemia

Carlsbad region came into existance by the division of the West Region of Plzeň and Karlovy Vary. It is primarily known for its spas. Hotels and guesthouses in the West Bohemian spa offer not only accommodation, spa visits and medical procedures, but also the opportunity to relax and visit historical attractions. West Bohemian spa triangle consists of Carlsbad, Františkovy Lázně and Marianské Lázně. You can also visit the spa towns Kynžvart and Jáchymov. In the connection with the spa tourism the region offers many possibilities for cultural and sport activities. Throughout the year you have the opportunity to attend the entire series of events, the most famous of which is the International Film Festival Karlovy Vary (from the other can can choose the Loket Cultural Summer, Chopin Festival in Marienbad). Apart from spas also the area of Krušné mountains is frequently visited, which offers many opportunities for active relaxation in the beautiful countryside - cycling, hiking and skiing in Krušné mountains. Accommodation Karlovy Vary

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