Letní dovolená pro všechny Penzion Thallerův dům | Hotel Racek Hotel Racek |
Rodinné ubytování na Lipně Penzion U Méďů |
area: České Budějovice
web: www.chatatour.cz
e-mail: info@chatatour.cz
phone: +420 385 510 191
mobil: +420 603 769 067
code: CZ-001

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The agency Chata Tour provides rental of holiday chalets and cottages for domestic visitors and foreign guests. The angecy offers a wide range of proven chalets and cottages. Cottages nad chalets are for rent not only in the Czech republic, but also abroad - in Croatia, Austria, Slovakia, Cyprus, Slovenia, Romania, Italy, Hungary (Balaton) or indonesia (Bali). You can find there objects for familiy stays, cottages and chalets in the nature, cottages and chalets in the mountains, cottages and chalets with the pool in attractive areas of the Czech Republic - in South Bohemia (Šumava, Orlík, Lipno - here you can rent a houseboat), South Moravia, Český ráj and more. In our on-line catalogue we offer one or more-week stays and weekend stays. Permanent guests are offered a discount.
area: Hluboká nad Vltavou
web: www.zoo-ohrada.cz
e-mail: info@zoo-ohrada.cz
phone: +420 387 002 211
code: CB-018

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The areal of Zoo Ohrada is extended in a fascinating environment between the hunting castle Ohrada and the lake of Munice near the town Hluboká nad Vltavou. For our guests there is a varied exposition of beasts, mammals and birds. Either the muster of threatened species is not missing including the bear, wolf, lynx and otter. We also offer rich programms for pre-schools and schools of all levels, at the same time we have been preparing performances with animal themes for several years. Come to us to have a rest and get to know something more about the miracles of the nature.
area: Orlická přehrada - JHC
web: www.lodnidopravaorlikslapy.cz
e-mail: lodeorlik@seznam.cz
phone: +420 382 275 333
code: CB-107a

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Do you want to vary your holiday by attractive way or would you like to make a nice one-day trip in the countryside of the middle stream of the river Vltava from the boat perspective? Our company Quarter offers regular shipping transport on the dams Kořensko, Orlík, Kamýk, Slapy and Dalešice. 113 km long distance can offer you beautiful views of this countryside full of hills, slopes and forests. Beautiful natural scene is spiced with many historical sights and technical attractions in addtition.
direct contacts on quartermasters