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Name of service: Zoologická zahrada Jihlava
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Type of service: ZOO

Country: Czech Republic
Region: Vysočina
Region: Českomoravská vrchovina
GPS: 49°23'46.186"N 15°35'57.381"E

Phone: +420 567 573 730
FAX: +420 567 573 728

Code of service: CB-037
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Zoo Jihlava - Lvíčci
Zoo Jihlava - Afrika
Zoo Jihlava - Levhart
Zoo Jihlava - Plameňáček

Zoologická zahrada Jihlava, Jihlava

Welcome to our Zoo areal which is situated in a picturesque valley of the river Jihlávka. Fanciful exposition of animals is only 10 min. walk from the centre of the town. In a while you will find yourselves in the middle of the countryside with water areas, woody slopes, meadows and rocks. The zoo without rails is the home for next to 150 species of exotic animals, including the species threatened by extinction. We specialize in raising felines, reptiles and monkeys.

Not only in contrary weather it is possible to visit Exotarium with expositions of monkeys and reptiles, the Beast pavilion and Amazon pavilion. The biggest attraction for visitors still remains the African village Matongo (more on our www). The entrance areal is located in the very proximity of a car park, in the areal you will also find the possibility of refreshment, a gift shop and a children’s corner with a contact Zoo for the smallest visitors. The Zoo offers a pleasant sitting in a nice park arrangements as well.

Zoo Jihlava - Pelikáni
Zoo Jihlava - YIASA

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