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Name of service: Zámek Konopiště
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Type of service: Castles

Country: Czech Republic
Region: střední Čechy Středočeský kraj
Region: Benešov
GPS: 49°46'46.146"N 14°39'22.402"E

Phone: +420 274 008 154
FAX: +420 274 008 152

Code of service: CZ-206
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Zámek Konopiště - letecký pohled
Zámek Konopiště - možnost několika prohlídkových okruhů
Zámek Konopiště - růžová zahrada
Zámek Konopiště - možnost několika prohlídkových okruhů

Zámek Konopiště, Konopiště

The castle KONOPIŠTĚ was established as the gothic citadel after the fashion of French castles from the end of the 13th century. Through the time many aristocratic families changed at Konopiště, among others the Šternberks' and Lobkowitzs'. In 1887 archduke Ferdinand d\'Este bought the domain and rebuilt Konopiště as a admirable seat of coming ceasar. Castle rooms were equiped with museum collections whose fundament comes from so called modern heritage.

The castle welcomes you with its expositions which are divided into several equally interesting circles. Aroung the castle there is a garden and no less interesting collection can be found in the museum of St. George's under the castle terrace. It is possible to arrnage weddings here and in the surrounding you can find several stylish restaurants with accomodation possibilities.

Zámek Konopiště - pohled přes zámecký rybník
Zámek Konopiště - možnost několika prohlídkových okruhů

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