area: České Budějovice
web: www.chatatour.cz
e-mail: info@chatatour.cz
phone: +420 385 510 191
mobil: +420 603 769 067
code: CZ-001

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The agency Chata Tour provides rental of holiday chalets and cottages for domestic visitors and foreign guests. The angecy offers a wide range of proven chalets and cottages. Cottages nad chalets are for rent not only in the Czech republic, but also abroad - in Croatia, Austria, Slovakia, Cyprus, Slovenia, Romania, Italy, Hungary (Balaton) or indonesia (Bali). You can find there objects for familiy stays, cottages and chalets in the nature, cottages and chalets in the mountains, cottages and chalets with the pool in attractive areas of the Czech Republic - in South Bohemia (Šumava, Orlík, Lipno - here you can rent a houseboat), South Moravia, Český ráj and more. In our on-line catalogue we offer one or more-week stays and weekend stays. Permanent guests are offered a discount.
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