region: střední Čechy Středočeský kraj
area: Orlická přehrada
phone: +420 382 275 333
code: CB-107
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area: Orlická přehrada
phone: +420 382 275 333
code: CB-107
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Do you want to vary your holiday by attractive way or would you like to make a nice one-day trip in the countryside of the middle stream of the river Vltava from the boat perspective? Our company Quarter offers regular shipping transport on the dams Kořensko, Orlík, Kamýk, Slapy and Dalešice. 113 km long distance can offer you beautiful views of this countryside full of hills, slopes and forests. Beautiful natural scene is spiced with many historical sights and technical attractions in addtition.
Brno-venkov Jeseníky - OLK Karlovy Vary a okolí Krkonoše - KHK Orlická přehrada Praha Šumava Žďárské vrchy
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