Cheap accommodation
In our catalogue - quality cheap accommodation - we present objects offering affordable accommodation. You will be surprised that even in lower price category the accommodation at our partners is very comfortable. In this catalogue the partners are edited with the price up to 450 CZK per person and day according to the lowest rate in the pricelist. The prices are then different depending on the season, group stays, weekend stays etc. continuing...
Penzion Šafrán Česká Ves
Cat. ***area: Jeseníky - OLK
web: www.penzionsafran.cz
e-mail: penzionsafran@email.cz
phone: +420 775 712 999
code: CZ-611

Reservation & Show detail

The guest house Šafran
The guest house Šafrán is situated in the village Česká Ves. Česká Ves lies at the northern foothills of Hrubý Jeseník Mountains (the highest mountain is Praděd - 1492 meters above sea level), in the valley of the Bělá river. The famous and neighbour town Jeseník is 13 km away from the border with Poland (active holiday Jeseníky and its surroundings). The valley is lined with wooded hills, which on the northwest side belong to the outskirts of the Rychlebské Mountains.
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